聖經 Strong Number
Strong Number[G1565]
1565 ekeinos {ek-i'-nos}
源於 1563; 代名詞
AV - that 99, those 40, he 40, the same 20, they 14, misc 38; 251
1) 那個人, 那東西, 那個
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1565 ekeinos {ek-i'-nos}
源於 1563; 代名詞
AV - that 99, those 40, he 40, the same 20, they 14, misc 38; 251
1) 那個人, 那東西, 那個
[Search for all appearance]
箴言 13:2 |
人因口所結的果子,必享美福;奸詐人必遭強暴。 |