聖經 Strong Number
Strong Number[G2405]
2405 hierateia {hee-er-at-i'-ah}
源於 2407; TDNT - 3:251,349; 陰性名詞
AV - priest's office 1, office of the priesthood 1; 2
1) 祭司之職, 祭司的職分 (#路 1:9; 來 7:5|)
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2405 hierateia {hee-er-at-i'-ah}
源於 2407; TDNT - 3:251,349; 陰性名詞
AV - priest's office 1, office of the priesthood 1; 2
1) 祭司之職, 祭司的職分 (#路 1:9; 來 7:5|)
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箴言 28:16 |
無知的君多行暴虐;以貪財為可恨的,必年長日久。 |