聖經 Strong Number
Strong Number[G4056]
4056 perissoteros {per-is-sot-er'-oce}
源於 4055;; 副詞
AV - more abundantly 4, more exceedingly 2, more abundant 2,
much more 1, more frequent 1, the rather 1, exceedingly 1,
the more earnest 1; 13
1) 更多更多地
2) 分外地
3) 極豐富地, 極多地
4) 特殊地, 超群出眾地
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4056 perissoteros {per-is-sot-er'-oce}
源於 4055;; 副詞
AV - more abundantly 4, more exceedingly 2, more abundant 2,
much more 1, more frequent 1, the rather 1, exceedingly 1,
the more earnest 1; 13
1) 更多更多地
2) 分外地
3) 極豐富地, 極多地
4) 特殊地, 超群出眾地
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箴言 26:12 |
你見自以為有智慧的人嗎?愚昧人比他更有指望。 |