聖經 Strong Number
Strong Number[G4496]
4496 rhipto {hrip'-to}
a primary動詞(perhaps rather 近似 to the base of 4474, through
the idea of sudden motion); TDNT - 6:991,987; 動詞
AV - cast down 2, cast 2, scatter abroad 1, cast out 1, throw 1; 7
1) 投, 撒, 丟
2) 丟下
3) 向前拋出
4) 安置 (指急需照料)
5) 投倒在地, 俯臥在地
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4496 rhipto {hrip'-to}
a primary動詞(perhaps rather 近似 to the base of 4474, through
the idea of sudden motion); TDNT - 6:991,987; 動詞
AV - cast down 2, cast 2, scatter abroad 1, cast out 1, throw 1; 7
1) 投, 撒, 丟
2) 丟下
3) 向前拋出
4) 安置 (指急需照料)
5) 投倒在地, 俯臥在地
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箴言 14:2 |
行動正直的,敬畏上主;行事乖僻的,卻藐視他。 |