聖經 Strong Number
Strong Number[G4866]
4866 sunathleo {soon-ath-leh'-o}
源自 4862 and 118; TDNT - 1:167,25; 動詞
AV - strive together for 1, labour with 1; 2
1) 與他人同時苦拼奮鬥, 同他人一起努力 (#腓 1:27; 4:3|)
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4866 sunathleo {soon-ath-leh'-o}
源自 4862 and 118; TDNT - 1:167,25; 動詞
AV - strive together for 1, labour with 1; 2
1) 與他人同時苦拼奮鬥, 同他人一起努力 (#腓 1:27; 4:3|)
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箴言 15:20 |
智慧子使父親喜樂;愚昧人藐視母親。 |