聖經 Strong Number
Strong Number[G2347]
2347 thlipsis {thlip'-sis}
源自2346; TDNT - 3:139,334; 陰性名詞
AV - tribulation 21, affliction 17, trouble 3, anguish 1,
persecution 1, burdened 1, to be afflicted + 1519 1; 45
1) 壓制, 受苦, 迫害, 磨難
2) 內心的愁煩, 苦惱 (#林後 2:4; 腓 1:17|)
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2347 thlipsis {thlip'-sis}
源自2346; TDNT - 3:139,334; 陰性名詞
AV - tribulation 21, affliction 17, trouble 3, anguish 1,
persecution 1, burdened 1, to be afflicted + 1519 1; 45
1) 壓制, 受苦, 迫害, 磨難
2) 內心的愁煩, 苦惱 (#林後 2:4; 腓 1:17|)
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箴言 5:20 |
我兒,你為何戀慕淫婦?為何抱外女的胸懷? |