聖經 Strong Number
Strong Number[G4232]
4232 praitorion {prahee-to'-ree-on}
源自拉丁文; 中性名詞
AV - judgment hall 4, hall of judgment 1, common hall 1,
praetorium 1, palace 1; 8
1) 總督府, 總督(或皇家)警衛
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4232 praitorion {prahee-to'-ree-on}
源自拉丁文; 中性名詞
AV - judgment hall 4, hall of judgment 1, common hall 1,
praetorium 1, palace 1; 8
1) 總督府, 總督(或皇家)警衛
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箴言 13:11 |
不勞而得之財必然消耗;勤勞積蓄的,必見加增。 |