聖經 Strong Number
Strong Number[G4458]
4458 -pos {poce}
副詞, 源於 4225 的字源, 向前滑音字 質詞/語助詞 of indefiniteness of manner;; 質詞/語助詞
AV - be any means 8, by some means 1, perhaps 1, haply 1, not tr 5; 16
1) 務必, 全然, 或許.
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4458 -pos {poce}
副詞, 源於 4225 的字源, 向前滑音字 質詞/語助詞 of indefiniteness of manner;; 質詞/語助詞
AV - be any means 8, by some means 1, perhaps 1, haply 1, not tr 5; 16
1) 務必, 全然, 或許.
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箴言 15:3 |
上主的眼目無處不在;惡人善人,他都鑒察。 |