聖經 Strong Number
Strong Number[G4883]
4883 sunarmologeo {soon-ar-mol-og-eh'-o}
源自 4862 and a derivative of a compound of 719 and 3004 (in its
original sense of laying); TDNT - 7:855,1114; 動詞
AV - be fitly framed together 1, be fitly joined together 1; 2
1) 緊密的連結在一起
2) 架構在一起
2a) 建築物的部分
2b) 身體的部位 (#弗 2:21, 4:16|)
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4883 sunarmologeo {soon-ar-mol-og-eh'-o}
源自 4862 and a derivative of a compound of 719 and 3004 (in its
original sense of laying); TDNT - 7:855,1114; 動詞
AV - be fitly framed together 1, be fitly joined together 1; 2
1) 緊密的連結在一起
2) 架構在一起
2a) 建築物的部分
2b) 身體的部位 (#弗 2:21, 4:16|)
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箴言 18:4 |
人口中的言語如同深水;智慧的泉源好像湧流的河水。 |