聖經 Strong Number
Strong Number[G4935]
4935 suntomos {soon-tom'-oce}
源自 a derivative of 4932;; 副詞
AV - a few words 1; 1
1) 簡明的, 簡短的, 用很少的字 (#徒 24:4|)
[Search for all appearance]
4935 suntomos {soon-tom'-oce}
源自 a derivative of 4932;; 副詞
AV - a few words 1; 1
1) 簡明的, 簡短的, 用很少的字 (#徒 24:4|)
[Search for all appearance]
箴言 5:3 |
因為淫婦的嘴滴下蜂蜜;他的口比油更滑, |