聖經 Strong Number

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Strong Number[H6327]
06327 puwts {poots}

字根型; TWOT - 1745,1746,1800; 動詞

欽定本 - scatter 48, scatter abroad 6, disperse 3, spread abroad 2,
cast abroad 2, drive 1, break to pieces 1, shake to pieces 1,
dash to pieces 1, retired 1; 67

1) 分散, 疏散,
1a) (Qal) 分散, 疏散
1b) (Niphal)
1b1) 被分散
1b2) 被擴散 (#創 10:18|)
1c) (Hiphil) 分散
1d) Hithpael) 分散
2) (Qal) 流 (#箴 5:16|), 漲溢 (#亞 1:17|)
3) 打破
3a) (Polel) 打碎 (#耶 23:29|)
3b) (Pilpel) 摔碎 (比喻用法) (#伯 16:12|)

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箴言 27:10
