聖經 Strong Number
Strong Number[H7969]
07969 shalowsh {shaw-loshe'} 或 shalosh {shaw-loshe'} 陽性
sh@lowshah {shel-o-shaw'} 或 sh@loshah {shel-o-shaw'}
一個基本數字; TWOT - 2403a; 陽/陰性名詞
AV - three 388, thirteen + 06240 13, thirteenth + 06240 11, third 9,
thrice + 06471 4, threescore and thirteen + 07657 2, stories 1,
forks + 07053 1, oftentimes + 06471 1; 430
1) 三, 三件套
1a) 三, 三百, 第三
[Search for all appearance]
07969 shalowsh {shaw-loshe'} 或 shalosh {shaw-loshe'} 陽性
sh@lowshah {shel-o-shaw'} 或 sh@loshah {shel-o-shaw'}
一個基本數字; TWOT - 2403a; 陽/陰性名詞
AV - three 388, thirteen + 06240 13, thirteenth + 06240 11, third 9,
thrice + 06471 4, threescore and thirteen + 07657 2, stories 1,
forks + 07053 1, oftentimes + 06471 1; 430
1) 三, 三件套
1a) 三, 三百, 第三
[Search for all appearance]
箴言 4:10 |
我兒,你要聽受我的言語,就必延年益壽。 |